Tuesday, August 28, 2007

working it 4 miles at a time

The weekend:

I did not get to my Saturday run like I should have. I told myself that if I started doing too many miles too soon, I would just be setting myself up for injury. Which is true, but I'm sure doing a mile or two wouldn't have any detrimental effects on my body.

I did however work on my goals to set up a routine eating schedule. Three smaller meals with healthy snacks in between. I wasn't perfect, but I did make some real meals. Instead of popping a frozen pizza into the oven or eating random food around the house.


I ran 4 miles on the treadmill and it felt awesome. I took it at a slow jogging pace, but threw in some faster 1:00 intervals at mile two. It's amazing how much I loathe and love running. It's so difficult to make myself keep going when my lungs and legs are burning, but when I get through it I'm filled with an amazing sense of accomplishment. I also get a kick out of telling my non-athletic skinny friends that "I went four miles today." And then asking if they want to come next time. Mwahahaha.

Goals to focus on this week:

*Solidify an eating schedule
*Get three more days of running in
*Go weight lifting one day
*Buy a scale for my first weigh-in



Okay so I'm a fat girl who desperately wants to become a runner, but I don't know how to start. Got any tips? The idea of just getting out and RUNNING scares the shit out of me.

Fat Runner Girl said...

Thinking of myself as a runner still scares the shit out of me!!! Running's something only skinny people do right? Wrong!

The best way to start running is small and easy. Create a schedule and make yourself stick to it. There are a lot of great resources online for running beginners, but this is a GREAT program that a lot of my newbie friends are trying and loving:

Couch to 5k Running Plan