Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Anticipation is Killing Me!

Yesterday was awful. Downright awful. I didn't stick to any of my goals and overate like food was going out of style. I've started to notice that on days I run I don't eat as much. It's not because I think, "I just killed myself for an hour and I better not ruin all my hard work." Rather I just feel like eating less and I crave healthier food. Which makes me think that I should maybe be exercising every day instead of 4 times a week. Throw a little cross training into the mix.

The problem is that I'm not really sure what I'd do for cross training. I don't really want to make my way to the gym for a short workout and the options I have at home are limited. I could jump rope, but in the past jump roping has really done a number on my feet and knees. I could run stairs, but I tend to think my neighbors won't really enjoy me pounding up and down the stairs multiple times. Not to mention stair laps are completely miserable. The easiest thing would be some light weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. I'm just not sure that it would have the same affect on my appetite as aerobic exercise does. Still, it would help with my running, so I think I'll give it a trial-run for the next week or so.

In other news, tonight is my first weigh-in! Yikes! It'll be the first time I've actually weighed myself since before I can remember. I've always just sort of guessed at my weight based on my pant size and height. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Athena said...

if you're thinking relatively light for half an hour, i'd pick up some beginner's pilates stuff. i started with Ana Caban beginner mat workout and it's really good. there are modified exercises to start and it's very low impact. when i ran more, every other day, i'd put this in between. i'm not sure which kicked my ass more really, but i always feel better when i do pilates regularly as much as i like to be lazy instead.